Frequently Asked Questions Listing

Will I have to pay for advertising?

Cornerstone will never charge a client for advertising costs. While some agents try to recover some of their marketing costs in the event of a non-closure, Cornerstone will never charge its clients costs of any kind.

What is your commission rate?

Cornerstone’s commission rate is standard for lands and buildings (residential or commercial) at 3% of the closing price. For rentals and leases, it is equal to one month’s rent. We do not normally negotiate short-term rentals (rentals less than 1 year) unless previously agreed upon with the client.

Short-term rentals agreed upon and executed are billed on a pro-rata basis as follows:
(Monthly Rental/12) x Rental Term in Months

How will Cornerstone market my property?

For exclusive listings, Cornerstone uses a judicious mix of marketing techniques (based on the type and location of the property) which has proven to be very effective for us over the past several years and continuing. These include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Website advertising and exposure *
  • Classified advertising
  • Sponsored (Paid) Social Media advertising
  • Outdoor signage
  • Wanted Ads
  • Realtor networking
  • DVD Video presentations at various locations
  • Open House Events and Private Viewings
  • Streaming video
  • Print advertising
  • Client database matching*
  • Direct client advertising and offers
Non-exclusive listings typically involve only these channels.

How much does it cost to list my property?

CornerStone does not charge its clients for listing property. All costs involved in the marketing, exposure, showing, negotiating etc are paid for by us. Related transaction costs (ie: appraisal fees and WASA clearance certificate fees etc) are paid for by the client.

Do You Pay for Listing Referrals?

Yes! We encourage referrals (properties for sale only, not rentals) and will mail a check to you (drawn on a local bank) normally within 2~3 weeks of closing on your referred property. At present, our referral fee is 0.25% of the closing price up to a max. of TT $4,500.

To be paid, please ensure that the person(s) you refer to us lets us know when they first contact us (or you may contact us yourself beforehand). Remember that we would require a name and mailing address to send your check. Any information given to us is held in strict confidence–please review our Privacy Policy for more information.

Referral fees are paid to individuals and not to a real estate agent (those are handled via a co-broker arrangement).

Do you accept non-exclusive listings?

To provide the highest level of client satisfaction and to effectively manage all aspects of the sale of your property, Cornerstone prefers exclusive control of your listing, typically for Three (3) months. During this period Cornerstone will employ all resources at its disposal to market and network your property, along with a group of well-established and reputable local realtors to arrive at a closing in the shortest possible time with the best available market value.

Although Cornerstone accepts non-exclusive listings (listings given to more than one agent at the same time), all our marketing channels cannot be used with this type of listing. We typically experience less effective results with non-exclusive listings due to the reduced marketing channels.

Can I send you my own property images?

Yes, you may email us your photos as we always welcome property images. As part of our normal listing process, we will visit your property to take our own photos but if you already have photos, we may use these in combination with our own photos. If sending us photos, please ensure that they are 1400 pixels wide X 900 pixels high or larger (we accept all image file formats).

Will I have to pay a commission?

Cornerstone Properties typically charges a commission which is payable by the client (property owner) when the sale (or lease) has been consummated. A sale is normally considered consummated after:

  1. A down-payment is received (typically 10% of the closing price);
  2. All title searches have been successfully completed and;
  3. All clauses in the governing sale agreement have been satisfied.

What type of properties do you list?

Cornerstone lists a wide variety of properties which include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Single Family Homes
  • Multi-Family Homes
  • Apartments
  • Townhouses
  • Commercial Property
  • Vacant Land
  • Warehouses
  • Estates
  • Office Space and more…

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