Pet Addendum

This addendum is incorporated as part of the Lease Agreement signed by The Tenant listed below. The Landlord and The Tenant acknowledge that the Lease Agreement is amended to include the provisions set out herein.

The Tenant is responsible for all damage, including but not limited to walls, floors, carpets or stains that any pet causes and agrees to restore the property to its original condition at their expense. The Tenant shall have the pet under control at all times and exercise respective due care. Please upload of photo of your pet(s). The Tenant Agrees to clean and remove all pet waste, inside or outside the Property. The Tenant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations governing pets and to not leave food or water for their pet or any other animal outside of The Tenant’s designated rental space where it may attract other animals.

Tenant obligations and liabilities:

    1. The Tenant agrees to disclose any and all pets residing at the property. If The Tenant wishes to have an additional pet, they must resubmit this form and get written approval from The Landlord.
    2. The Tenant is responsible to pay for and repair any damage (outside of normal wear and tear) caused by the pet (in both the apartment and the apartment complex if applicable).
    3. The Tenant shall cover the cost of any injuries caused by the pet while on the property.
    4. The Tenant is responsible for ensuring the pet is not a public nuisance or disturbance. 

The Tenant agrees to keep their pet(s) from being unnecessarily noisy or aggressive and causing any annoyance or discomfort to others and will remedy immediately any complaints made to The Landlord.

Property & Pets

Please include for example apartment name or number

Pet Number One

All all required vaccinations up-to-date?

Pet Number Two

All all required vaccinations up-to-date?

Pet Number Three

All all required vaccinations up-to-date?

You must check the box below to submit the addendum.
In checking the box and submitting the form, you declare that the information given is true and correct and that any material variations or omissions may be grounds for the termination of your tenancy.

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