
Real Estate News & Articles

Points To Consider When Viewing

Points To Consider When Viewing

In addition to comparing the home to your minimum requirement and wish lists, you may want to consider the following: Is there enough room for both the present and the future? Are there enough bedrooms and bathrooms? Is the house structurally sound? Do the mechanical systems and appliances work? Is the yard big enough? Do…

Buying a Vacation Home

Buying a Vacation Home

Start With Defining The Basics: Why do you want a second house? Is it for vacation or retirement, or is it a financial investment? Determining this will help point you in the right direction for the location, price and type of second home you ultimately purchase. Next, Location, Location, Location: You want a vacation home…

How Much Can I Borrow?

How Much Can I Borrow?

When considering purchasing property, several basic questions may arise in the mind of the prospective buyer, whether it is a $2M or $200K purchase being considered. Some of these might include 1). What is the most I can borrow? 2). How much will I pay monthly? 3). What is the interest rate? Although the thought…

Dividing a Studio Apartment

Dividing a Studio Apartment

Studio-living is a unique experience. It offers the convenience of walking from one living space to another by simply moving around one or two rooms. Such easy access can, of course, be both a blessing and a headache. On one hand, tidying up and putting items away becomes a quick chore. And preparing a snack…