
Real Estate News & Articles

Legal Aspects Buying Property in T&T

Legal Aspects Buying Property in T&T

Land Title Systems There are two (2) systems of law under which land is held in Trinidad & Tobago: The old law or common law system of conveyancing; and the Torrens system of registered conveyancing or the Real Property Act Chapter 56:02 (R.P.A.) system of conveyancing. Old Law System Most of the land in Trinidad…

Your Septic System: What You Need to Know

Your Septic System: What You Need to Know

A septic system is an underground structure that treats wastewater in areas without municipal sewage systems. Signs that your septic system needs replacement include slow drainage, lush grass near the tank, foul odors, water contamination, and plumbing backups. If this is what you’re experiencing, you’ve likely got a failed system. Unfortunately, it is an expensive road ahead…

Closing the Deal

Closing the Deal

After an offer is accepted by the buyer, a Purchase Agreement is then prepared and is executed when the buyer pays a 10% deposit to “seal the deal” and take the property off the market. Following the execution on the purchase agreement, the buyer will need a copy of the deed; the last paid land…

Credit Troubles Q & A

Credit Troubles Q & A

Q: I am a 24-year-old, stay-at-home mom. In the past, I’ve had poor credit but have since paid off all bad debts. I am using my student loan as a source of credit to prove I can pay off my current debts. My husband, on the other hand, has perfect credit. He has never missed…