
Real Estate News & Articles

Home Types Comparison

Generally, the available types of Homes are: Apartment, Condominium, Townhouse and (Detached) Home. The major differences between these types of Homes are Ownership and Responsibility. For Rentals, the Owner has the Ownership and Responsibility of the Rental property (rather than Renter). Following are some Advantages and Disadvantages of these Home Types and their comparisons… Apartment:…

Mistakes Choosing A Realtor

Selling a home should be like any other business transaction, but all too often sellers make emotional or impulsive decisions that cost them money and time. Choosing the right Realtor to market a property and negotiate the sale is the most important step in the process. “My friend (or family member) sells real estate.” Friendship…

Planning Your Space

How well do you know your room? In order to shape and dress it, you need to know and understand your room as well as you know yourself. Go to the room you need to organize or rearrange and ask yourself these questions: What are the dimensions of your room, and what is its basic…

Decorative Molding

Decorative moldings are architectural details installed to trim floors, doors, windows, walls, and ceilings. If carefully installed, they can enhance any décor and increase the value of any home. They will help to express your sense of style and give a finished look to your room. Made of hardwood, soft wood, molded wood product or…

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