
Real Estate News & Articles

First Time Buyers Guide

First time home buyers should always shop around. Read the loan papers carefully for a list of all conditions that must be met before the home closing. Don’t wait for the last moment. Conditions by the lender may require a home inspection, termite inspection, required insurance polices, survey, etc. These requirements are meant for the…

Factors That Hurt Your Home’s Appraisal

Not only does the house you’re selling have a fresh coat of paint; you changed out the light fixtures in the bathroom and upgraded the stove, too. But is it enough to impress the home appraiser who’s come to assess your house’s value In this article, we bring you up to speed before you put…

Property Valuation

Property Valuation is the process of estimating the value of real estate property is done by various methods as illustrated below. 1: Comparable property method: The average value of rate per unit area at which similar properties in the neighborhood were sold at is multiplied by the actual area of the current property. Adjustments to…

Is Your Home Worth That Much?

Homeowners and appraisers rarely agree on a property’s value, and for the vast majority of the past decade, homeowners have been overvaluing their homes. This year there has been a steadily increasing gap between what consumers thought their houses were worth and the worth determined by appraisers it’s the first time in 24 months that…

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