
Real Estate News & Articles

When Its Smarter to Rent than Buy

Renting gives you flexibility and freedom. Despite the bruising US housing market crash of 2008, home ownership still ranks up there with a successful career and happy family life as a key pillar of the American Dream. In fact, a recent survey found that 71% of adults say that purchasing a home is a top…

Establish and Protect Your Credit

Establish and Protect Your Credit

You may not realize it, but if you have recurring bills such as rent and utilities, you already have a credit history. If they are paid in a timely manner, rent, car insurance, medical, cable television and telephone bills are all indications that you are a good risk. Keep copies of the bills and your…

Starting a Tenancy

Starting a Tenancy

First: Sign a Tenancy Agreement. All new tenancies must have a written Tenancy Agreement. The landlord must provide a Tenancy Agreement that sets out the particular conditions that have been agreed to. Both landlord and tenant sign it and the landlord must give the tenant a copy before the tenancy begins. Care should be taken…

Essentials For Your 1st Apartment

Essentials For Your 1st Apartment

Getting your first apartment is exhilarating. That empty space is full of promise and prospects for shopping. Let your imagination wander. Depending on your shopping personality, it is easy either to get carried away and blow your money on nonessential (but gratifying) items; or to tremble at the thought of spending your hard-earned income on…

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