
Real Estate News & Articles

The Buying Process

The Buying Process

Let us help you through the important steps in the buying process. We have prepared an overview of the process to help guide you. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions. We are here to help. Deciding to buy a home or property is one of the most important decisions you…

Setup a Great Home Office

Setup a Great Home Office

Setting up an office is a lot harder than working in one. Suddenly you have no colleagues to back you up, no support staff, and dozens of dilemmas: For example, you’re confronted with the initial expense for office equipment and furniture: How do you keep that cost to a minimum without sacrificing comfort and productivity?…

Conveyancing in T&T

Conveyancing in T&T

Conveyancing is the process by which the ownership of land or property is transferred from one person to another. In Trinidad and Tobago there are two systems under which land is registered: the common law system and the Torrens registration system (Real Property Act system). The system of registration that your transaction falls under depends…

Foreign Investors Acquiring Property

Foreign Investors Acquiring Property

Acquisition of Real Estate in Trinidad In Trinidad, the Aliens (Landholding) Act, Ch. 58:02 was repealed in 1990 and the Foreign Investment Act, 1990 relaxed the restrictions on ownership of real estate by foreigners and improved the conditions for foreign investment. Generally, the Foreign Investment Act, 1990 (sections 6 & 7) allows foreign investors in…

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