
Real Estate News & Articles

5 Home Office Tips

5 Home Office Tips

Is your home office design drab and uninspiring? Do thoughts of going into your office dampen your entrepreneurial spirit? It may be time to consider your office design and your productivity. You may not have the time or budget for an office design makeover, but a few simple ideas can go far in boosting your…

Before You Get The Mortgage

Before You Get The Mortgage

Shopping for a mortgage is the first step toward owning a home and perhaps the most daunting, especially if you are not prepared. Once a simple task that meant comparing fixed rates from among perhaps a dozen or fewer savings and loan companies, the mortgage hunt today is like finding your way through a maze…

Common Real Estate Myths

Common Real Estate Myths

Even though most people are rarely part of a real estate transaction, everyone believes they are an expert. And while there’s a prevailing belief that buying without a real estate agent will save you money, the truth is you’re almost always better off working with a pro. Buying or selling a house is not something…

Selling Tenanted Property

Selling Tenanted Property

A landlord must tell existing or prospective tenants that a property is on the market. A landlord then has the right to bring buyers through, subject to reasonable conditions placed on that access by the tenant. Landlords and tenants need to work out what will suit them both. Any agents contracted to sell the property…

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