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Buying Land to Build a Home

Buying Land to Build a Home

Whenever we think about buying land, we can’t help but hear the theme song for that 1960’s TV show running through our heads: “Green acres is the place for me.” Laugh as you may, urban dwellers often idealize what it’s like to live on acreage outside city limits. So before you decide to dump it…

Help With a Real Estate Decision

Help With a Real Estate Decision

It’s a common feeling between contract and closing You loved your future home when you signed the contract to purchase it, but now you’re not sure if you made the right decision. What if you acted too quickly and a better house comes on the market next week? What if you paid too much for…

Choosing a Mortgage Lender

Choosing a Mortgage Lender

Since a home may be the largest purchase you will ever make, choosing the right mortgage company is a very important decision. Which of the many Mortgage lenders in Trinidad is best for you? The answer may take a little effort through homework, research and telephone shopping, but the results will be worthwhile. The more…

Legal Aspects Buying Property in T&T

Legal Aspects Buying Property in T&T

Land Title Systems There are two (2) systems of law under which land is held in Trinidad & Tobago: The old law or common law system of conveyancing; and the Torrens system of registered conveyancing or the Real Property Act Chapter 56:02 (R.P.A.) system of conveyancing. Old Law System Most of the land in Trinidad…