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Tips For Recession House Hunters

Tips For Recession House Hunters

When real estate sales are slow and there is a glut of homes for sale, buyers may have an opportunity to pick up a house on the cheap. The operative word here is “opportunity”. There are times when you should pounce and times when you should show restraint and avoid an impulse buy. Knowing the…

Getting Started Buying

Getting Started Buying

Before you apply for a mortgage, you need to know your: Current monthly income; Current monthly expenditure; Desired monthly mortgage payment; Anticipated sale price or home value; Anticipated down payment amount. This information makes it much easier to figure out how much you can borrow and how much house you can afford. Obtaining a Loan…

Location. Location. Location.

Location. Location. Location.

It’s like the real estate agents’ mantra: location, location, location. You’ve certainly heard the phrase enough and may wonder what possesses agents to say it three times. Or you might think it pertains to three different types of locations — perhaps an excellent location, a mediocre location and a lousy location. We’ll put your mind…

Organize Your Closets

Organize Your Closets

No matter how much closet storage you have, chances are you could probably always use more space. But while building new closets may not be a practical option, you may be able to use the space you have more efficiently. In this document you will find information about: Planning Closet Storage and Building Closet Storage….

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