Property Management

Do I have to rent my property to smokers?

Do I have to rent my property to smokers?

We strongly encourage a non-smoking policy for rental properties. Cigarette smoke tends to linger for a long time and may make your property less attractive to future non-smoking tenants. Legally we cannot say no to smokers, but it is legal to say ?No Smoking? in this building.

What if My Property Needs Repair before Managing?

What if My Property Needs Repair before Managing?

We will undertake to complete the repairs or cleaning necessary to bring your property to move-in readiness. This may entail, selling any surplus furniture or appliances; cleaning; painting or other interior work; plumbing and electrical; cleaning or clearing of an overgrown yard; roof or ceiling work etc. We will negotiate a nominal one-time fee for…

If my unit stays empty do I still pay your fee?

If my unit stays empty do I still pay your fee?

Generally no, unless it forms part of a larger contract with several units (ie an apartment building). We try to fill vacancies quickly, but we do not charge fees during the intervening period. However, there are instances where landlords take this opportunity to do renovations or remedial works, etc. If we are called on to…

How will emergency repairs be handled?

How will emergency repairs be handled?

We aim to keep tenants as comfortable as possible and to this end, we try to effect repairs very quickly. If the repair becomes needed during the middle of the month after we have deposited funds to the landlord?s account, we will pay for repairs up to a maximum of $500 and deduct this from…

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