
Real Estate News & Articles

Questions to Ask Your Agent

Questions to Ask Your Agent

Selecting a real estate agent to represent you in a home purchase or sale can be one of the most important decisions you make. There are obvious considerations, such as choosing a reputable agent with experience in the area where you want to buy or sell. Here are a few not-so-obvious questions to ask before…

Real Estate Investment Mistakes

Real Estate Investment Mistakes

SUMMARY Your first investment will be a learning process. While you’ll definitely make a few mistakes along the way, there are a few common pitfalls that can be avoided if you educate yourself beforehand. From financing errors to underestimating repair costs, newbies are at risk to lose serious cash if they’re not careful. Still, a…

Planning Your New Kitchen

Planning Your New Kitchen

Now comes the fun of really planning your new kitchen. Layout is a three-part process that includes weighing basic options; blocking out storage, countertops, and work centers; and double-checking efficient heights and clearances. There’s no perfect sequence&mdashthe trick is to work back and forth. In very small or oddly shaped spaces you’ll certainly need to…

Concrete Landscaping

Concrete Landscaping

Concrete landscaping refers basically to any type of landscaping that involves concrete, which is a masonry product that is composed of cement, sand and gravel or other coarse aggregate. Concrete landscaping is in fact quite a popular matter, for instance, concrete may be used in order to form the flooring of a patio, or concrete…