
Real Estate News & Articles

Top 3 Reasons for No Sale

Top 3 Reasons for No Sale

The top three reasons that a house does not sell are: It is in poor condition. The house is priced too high. The immediate surroundings, general area or housing market may be a bit depressed. Sprucing up areas that need improvement generally pays for itself, especially in areas of higher priced homes. By all means,…

Legal Fees and Taxes

Legal Fees and Taxes

Legal Fees (in Trinidad & Tobago): Two (2) legal documents are required – The Deed of Mortgage and the Deed of Conveyance. The costs of preparing these documents are approx 1.1% of the total mortgage for the mortgage deed and 1.1% of the purchase price for the conveyance deed. Stamp Duty is payable on all…

Staging the Kitchen

Staging the Kitchen

Staging is about illusions. It’s beyond decorating and cleaning. It’s about perfecting the art of creating moods. Staging makes your space look bigger, brighter, cleaner, warmer, more loving and, best of all, it makes buyers want to buy it. Ask most people which room is the most important room in the house, though, and they…

Buying a Fixer-Upper

Buying a Fixer-Upper

What are “the right things wrong” with a house? If you want to profit from your home purchase by more than the current average annual market value appreciation rate in most communities, you’ll need to buy a less-than-perfect home. Here are five keys to unlock a profitable home purchase… Buy a sound, well-located home without…