All Posts in "Uncategorized" Category

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Make Your Home Extraordinary

Make Your Home Extraordinary

What You can do as a Seller to make your house look extraordinary? Here are some house fix up tips. Be realistic pricing your house. If it lacks amenities that an equally-priced comparable house has, discount the price of that item. Make sure the key to your house is available to the agent and your…

Tenant Screening

Tenant Screening

The Tenant Screening Process All applicants must be over the age of 18. Each occupant over the age of 18 must complete or be included the application. For married couples each person must fill out an application form. We will request information to verify employment and employment history. All applicants must provide at least two…

Landscaping Rocks

Landscaping Rocks

If you are trying to find a place where you can purchase landscaping rocks, you can rest assured in knowing that there are many options that are available to you. The best place to start your search for landscaping rocks would be on the Internet, because there is such an incredible amount of information available…

Getting the Mortgage

Getting the Mortgage

Shopping for a mortgage is the first step toward owning a home and perhaps the most daunting, especially if you are not prepared. Once a simple task that meant comparing fixed rates from among perhaps a dozen or fewer savings and loan companies, the mortgage hunt today is like finding your way through a maze….